Summer School 2018

The DTU CEE Summer School 2018 “Modern Optimization in Energy” was organized by the ELMA group from June 24 to June 29, 2018, and sponsored by MOSEK, EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Partnership) and the CITIES project.

With 53 participants (from universities and enterprises, and from all over the world) and 8 world-renowned lecturers, this event was even larger than the previously organized school. The summer school focused in particular on optimal power flow, distributionally robust optimization, convex relaxations, data-driven methods, integrated energy systems and consumer-centric electricity markets. Students received tutorials on the application and interpretation of these techniques, and used their skills to complete group projects. Finally, students were asked to disseminate their findings to other students through presentations and peer review. The overall evaluation from 53 participants was as follows: excellent: 46.5%, good: 53.5%, fair: 0%, poor: 0%.

Presentation slides – link to videos:

Pierre PinsonIntroduction
Miguel AnjosIntroduction to Optimization in Energy
Spyros ChatzivasileiadisIntroduction to DC- and AC-OPF   Introduction to Convex Relaxation of AC-OPF
Daniel KuhnData-driven and Distributionally Robust Optimization and Applications
Pascal van HentenryckConvex Relaxation and Applications – Slides 1Slides 2Slides 3Slides 4 – Extra Slides 1, Extra Slides 2
Misha ChertkovOptimization, Inference and Learning for Integrated Energy Systems
Pierre PinsonConsumer-centric Electricity Markets
Jalal KazempourElectricity Markets with Renewables
Maryam KamgarpourGame-theoretic Models in Energy Systems and Control – NotesExample
Michal AdamaszekIntroduction to Mosek

Group based projects:

Project 1AC-OPF with convex relaxations (SDP-OPF)   –  Codes
Project 2Distributionally Robust Energy and Reserve Dispatch with Wasserstein Metric  –  Datasets
Project 3Energy Communities and Peer-to-peer Electricity Markets
Project 4Perfect and Imperfect Competition in Electricity Markets