The DTU CEE Summer School 2017 “Modern Challenges in Power System Operation and Electricity Markets: An Optimization Perspective” was organized by the ELMA group from June 12 to June 16, 2017, and sponsored by EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Partnership) and the CITIES project.
With 56 participants (from universities and enterprises, and from all over the world) and 10 world-renowned lecturers, this event was even larger than the previously organized school. The summer school focused on advanced optimization techniques, e.g. convex relaxation and stochastic optimization, as well as game theory and decision making, and their application to the electricity markets. Students received tutorials on the application and interpretation of these techniques, and used their skills to complete group projects. Finally, students were asked to disseminate their findings to other students through presentations and peer review. The overall evaluation from 56 participants was as follows: excellent: 67.9%, good: 32.1%, fair: 0%, poor: 0%.
Presentation slides and event flyer from 2017:
Group based projects: Project 1, Project 2, Project 3, Project 4