Summer School 2016

The DTU CEE Summer School 2016 “Uncertainty in Electricity Markets and System Operation” was organized by the ELMA group from July 4 to July 8, 2016, and sponsored by EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems – University Enterprise Training Partnership) and the CITIES project.

With 48 participants (from universities and enterprises, and from all over the world) and 10 world-renowned lecturers, this event was one of the largest summer school courses in EES-UETP history. The summer school focused on advanced optimization techniques, e.g., stochastic, interval and robust optimization, and their applications to energy systems. Students received tutorials on the application and interpretation of these techniques, and used their skills to complete group projects. Finally, students were asked to disseminate their findings to other students through presentations and peer review. The overall evaluation from 48 participants was as follows: excellent: 53.2%, good: 42.5%, fair: 4.3%, poor: 0%.


Presentation slides and event flyer from 2016:

Flyer2016 Summer School Flyer
Anthony PapavasiliouAn asynchronous distributed subgradient algorithm for solving stochastic unit commitment
Emre Can KaraTowards Real-Time Estimation of Solar Generation for Power System Operations
Georg Ch. PflugDecision making under uncertainty
Jalal KazempourOptimization problems with Decomposable structure
José M. ArroyoOptimal reserve offer deliverability in co-optimized electricity markets: A two-stage robust optimization approach
Juan M. MoralesMechanisms to Increase the Efficiency of Two-stage Electricity Markets with Uncertain Supply
Mohammad ShahidehpourCoordination of Interdependent Natural Gas and Electricity Infrastructures for Firming the Variability of Wind Energy in Stochastic Day-ahead Scheduling
Hrvoje PandžićIntroduction to Interval and Robust Optimization
Pierre PinsonUncertainties | What are we talking about?
Salvador PinedaImpact of Forecast Errors on Expansion Planning of Power Systems with a Renewables Target